Monday, October 31, 2016

HW 9: Balance

For this homework, please read chapter 13 (Game Mechanics Must Be in Balance, book 2nd edition) (about 35 pages). The chapter describes 11 aspects of balance that often come into play and must be thought about in games to provide a good experience. Address each of these aspects as it relates to your own team game. Homeworks are individual. If a particular item does not apply, say so. Each item must be addressed, and the answer should use complete paragraphs. We will not accept telegraphic style.

  1. Fairness
    1. Our main character is an dog and the underdog ( I'm not sure if there is a pun, but pun intended). He is against difficult terrain but the dog is modeled to be a pitbull, a working dog and a dog that can withstand many obstacles. Wolves will be a fair antagonist since our character is technically from the "wolf"/ canine family. Fighting and level will be fair in terms of species with the wolf having a slight advantage
  2. Challenge vs. Success
    1. Our character (for assignment sake will call this dog "Kylo") Kylo will go through challenges like terrain, weather, night and day, hunger and lost. Success will be found when Kylo gets to eat, finds shelter before nightfalls, success against wolves and finds items that his owner is found. Items including matchsticks, candy wrapper, owner scent that would be successes and are "collectables" in Kylo's journey to reunite with her owner
  3. Meaningful Choices
    1. This game is going to be a journey but with each level and challege-to-success, Kylo will near her owner and the end of the game. Kylo will have to make choices throughout the game, to journey towards a certain path or hunt a certain animal. The levels will more restricted to something like Far Cry where choices are limited to the challenge and the obstacle instead of full-freedom like MineCraft or a mindless journey game
  4. Skill vs. Chances
    1. I don't think there will be large elements of "chance" but the levels will be evenly difficult. There will be opportunities where skill and "athleticsm" will need to be in play. Jumping over large areas, outrunning, swimming through the cold etc.
  5. Head vs. Hands
    1. The only vigorous button pressing may happen when swimming, running vigorously or when Kylo has to fight. 
  6. Competition vs. Cooperation
    1. The game we are working on will not be multiplayer, and thus cooperation and competition do not have much room for discussion. Whether or not interactions with friendly or neutral NPCs will occur in the game, the player may have the option to help or overpower the particular NPC, on their quest.
  7. Short vs. Long
    1. The game will be open world but the game will be completed through completion of levels and milestones to speed up the game and give the player purpose. It can be as short or as long as the player would like. If the player would like to complete the milestones the game should be completed quickly, however, there are options for the player to roam and elongate the game and experience
  8. Rewards
    1. Rewards will be the owner's found items.. like a trail. The ultimate goal is reuniting with his family
  9. Punishment
    1. There will be levels where Kylo is "punished" and almost set back in her quest back to her family. Punishments include being caught by the pound workers and being attacked and injuredby wolves
  10. Freedom vs. Controlled Experience
    1. Like in the short vs long balance/complex, it will be controlled with opportunities for the user to have freedom to roam. 
  11. Simple vs. Complex

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